January 17th – Lunch with Matthew Elliott, Taxpayers Alliance

Frances, Duchess of Rutland & Mathew Elliott

Matthew Elliott is one of the foremost political campaigners working in Westminster. His current focus is Business for Britain, which has the support of over 750 business leaders from across the country to campaign for a better deal for Britain in the EU. Amongst many accolades, Matthew has been described as a “campaigning genius”. The […]

The Biz Club Business Award 2013 – Normanton Park Hotel

Chris Emmett, Emma McClarkin MEP, Brad Giles and Shane James (Rutland Telecom)

The Biz Club Business Award 2013, now in it’s 5th year, was kindly sponsored by Rutland Telecom Limited. It recognises a local business or an individual within a 25 mile radius of Uppingham, who have made important economic contributions to our community. The winner for 2013 was Brad Giles, a very young entrepreneur, who has […]

June 28th – Informal Political Luncheon

British businessman and politician Stuart Wheeler

We were joined by Stuart Wheeler British businessman and politician. He made his fortune as the founder of the spread betting firm IG Index in 1974, but is best known for his political activism, being formerly a major donor to the Conservative Party and since 2011, has been treasurer of the United Kingdom Independence Party. […]

April 12th – Luncheon with Peter Bone MP

Peter Bone MP with Geoffrey Pointon

The Falcon Hotel, Uppingham played host to our April 2013 luncheon and we were joined by Peter Bone, MP for Wellingborough constituency. Peter has held a number of posts within the Conservative Party including that of Association Chairman, Press Secretary, and was a member of the National Union Executive from 1993-96. After lunch Peter addressed […]

biz Award 2012

Biz Club Award winners Windmill Wheels

The biz club – biz Award 2012 The biz award sponsored by Rutland Telecom Limited recognises a local business or an individual within a 25 mile radius of Uppingham who have made important economic contributions to our community. From the short list the award committee have cast their votes and the winner was announced at […]

September 21st – Frank Field Luncheon

A large crowd of diners attended on a cloudy wet day to hear the words of our guest speaker Frank Field. With the backdrop of Rutland Water the attendees enjoyed a super three course meal. Frank Field was welcomed by Geoffrey Pointon and spoke passionately about a strategy which offers the prospect of preventing poor […]

2012 – Windmill Wheels – Wymondham

The biz award sponsored by Rutland Telecom Limited recognises a local business or an individual within a 25 mile radius of Uppingham who have made important economic contributions to our community. From the short list the award committee have cast their votes and the winner was announced at a luncheon at The Falcon Hotel, Uppingham […]

July 6th – Informal Political Luncheon

The biz club held an additional IPL in the Lake Isle on 6th July 2012. This was at the special request of the members who wanted to discuss “Is the coalition working?” Attending the luncheon were as ever a number of new faces and special guest Roger Helmer MEP. Roger Helmer spoke to the assembled […]