Norman Davies

Norman Davies was born in 1939 in Bolton (Lancashire) was educated at Bolton School, Magdalen College, Oxford, the University of Sussex and at several continental universities including Grenoble, Perugia and Kraków. His formative years created a lifelong European outlook. His special interest in Central and Eastern Europe was unusual among contemporaries. It started in 1958 […]

Frank Field MP

In 1979 Frank was elected Member of Parliament for Birkenhead and has since displayed a unique attachment to his constituency. During the 1980s he led the campaign to make the Labour Party electable, which not only involved the very public countering of Trotskyites in Birkenhead, but also the development of policies which had widespread appeal. […]

Louise Mensch MP

Member of Parliament for Corby and East Northamtonshire Louise lives in the constituency in Oundle. In June 2010 she was elected by other Conservative MPs to serve on the Select Committee for the Department of Culture, Media and Sport. In July 2011 she took part in the questioning of James and Rupert Murdoch over the […]

Damian Green

Damian was born in 1956. He was educated at Reading School and Balliol College, Oxford. He was President of the Oxford Union in 1977. He is married with two daughters. He is a former financial journalist and worked in the Prime Minister’s Policy Unit from 1992-94. He was a Conservative Spokesman on Education and Employment […]

John Redwood

Member of Parliament for Wokingham and Chairman of the Economic Competitiveness Policy Group. John Redwood has been the Member of Parliament for Wokingham since 1987. First attending Kent College, Canterbury, he graduated from Magdalen College, and has a DPhil from All Souls, Oxford. A businessman by background, he has been a director of NM Rothschild […]

Vince Cable

Political Experience Liberal Democrat Member of Parliament for Twickenham since 1997, Vincent Cable is the Liberal Democrat Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer and speaks for his party on issues of Finance, European Economic and Monetary Union and the City. Economics and Finance Special Advisor to Secretary of State for Trade (John Smith) in 1979. Written […]

Chris Grayling

Chris Grayling is Member of Parliament for Epsom and Ewell, and Shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions. He was first elected in 2001 and since then has served as an Opposition Whip and as a Member of the influential Transport Select Committee. He was promoted to Shadow Health Minister in 2002 and then […]

Alan Duncan

Alan was born in 1957, the son of an RAF officer, and educated at Beechwood Park School, Herts, and Merchant Taylors’ School before going on to read Politics and Economics at St John’s College, Oxford. Elected President of the Oxford Union in 1979, Alan went on to win a Kennedy Scholarship at Harvard University following […]

Bill Cash

Entered Parliament in 1984, when he became MP for Stafford in a by-election following the death of Sir Hugh Fraser; since 1997 he has been MP for Stone, Staffordshire. He has served on various parliamentary committees: the All-Party Committee on East Africa (1988 -), the All-Party Group for the Jubilee 2000 (1997-2000), but more notably […]

Mark Prisk

Born in Cornwall on 12 June 1962, and educated at Truro School and Reading University. A Chartered Surveyor by profession, and former self-employed businessman and company director, Mark was elected as the Member of Parliament for Hertford and Stortford in 2001 with over 44% of the vote. In 2005, he increased his majority to over […]